It had not even been 24 hours since she got the news her cancer was back. Whenever I have a cancellation, I contact those who are on my waiting list to see if anyone wants the spot. In October, a person I had not seen for a long while got in touch with me saying she just had a feeling she needed to begin spiritual direction again. I had no openings but promised I would contact her when one became available. A couple of weeks later, I happened to have a cancellation and she was able to arrange her schedule to meet with me later in the week. She had no idea when we set that appointment that she would be sharing news about the return of cancer. Last week I wrote about friends who have terminal illnesses and wake up happy and grateful. But when the news is fresh, that’s probably not how you’re going to wake up. Scared and angry is more like it. During our session of Reiki and guided prayer, I asked her if she could let God be angry with her about the news she had just received. “God doesn’t get angry,” she said. “Well then you haven’t read the prophets,” I replied. “Really…” she said with a mix of surprise and sarcasm. “Yes, really, I imagine God damning this prognosis to hell. I want to yell: God, damn it!” She smiled wryly. And then her imagination began to unfold and tears mixed with words flowed, as she let God into her anger. Sometimes we wake up happy and grateful. Sometimes we wake up scared and angry. God can join us in both. Both can be holy as we allow God into every part of our lives. Even though we may know God is always present, we often live as though God is far off and we are on our own. Or we might think that God expects us to be hopeful and happy so will wait until we have a bit more gratitude before joining us. This simply is not true. The Creator who endowed us with the full-range of human emotions, expects us to express them. And every single one of them can be pathways to prayer and to the very heart of the One who made us. Rather than running and hiding through self-sufficiency, self-loathing, or a smile, when the Divine Presence asks, “Where are you?” let’s be honest. “Here I am!” we can say and then name where and how we really are—angry, sad, scared... Let God in, for God knows it’s not good for any of us to be alone. Comments are closed.
AuthorKasey is a scarf, ball and club juggling spiritual director just outside of Nashville, TN. Play helps her Type-A, Enneagram 1 personality relax, creating space for poetry and other words to emerge. She also likes playing with theological ideas like perichoresis, and all the ways we're invited into this Triune dance. Archives
January 2024